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How to Meal Prep for Economic Collapse

  The current (future) economic landscape is a whirlwind of unpredictability coupled with a heavy sense of hopeful antagonism. We want to feel like we are in a good situation so we enjoy the now, but remain relatively tame and frugal with our spending when we simply need to. There is an air of the compliance hinged around convenience and complacency. Who knows what the future holds? Sure we can listen to these economists and their models and figures, but can we really be prepared for a true economic collapse? Build the bunker. Hunker down. Here comes a flood. Hell, we might drown.  The ability for the mind to wander into destructive paths and worrisome storms is strong and alarming. Inflation breathes down our neck with every little purchase. We might not notice right away, but we start to feel that heaviness of swiping that card or handing over our dirty fiat to regular businesses. Like a frog in a boiling pot or death by a thousand cuts, it's the small things that tend to nip us

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